Posn Dec Hex Char Meaning 000000 172 ac Start of stream 000001 237 ed 000002 0 00 NUL Version # 5 000003 5 05 ENQ 000004 115 73 's' Start of object 000005 114 72 'r' Start of class descriptor 000006 0 00 NUL Length of class name (5 characters in "Point") 000007 5 05 ENQ 000008 80 50 'P' Class name 000009 111 6f 'o' 000010 105 69 'i' 000011 110 6e 'n' 000012 116 74 't' 000013 248 f8 Class fingerprint 000014 57 39 '9' 000015 7 07 BEL 000016 139 8b 000017 207 cf 000018 34 22 '"' 000019 78 4e 'N' 000020 255 ff 000021 2 02 STX Class flags 000022 0 00 NUL Count of data field descriptors 000023 3 03 ETX First data field descriptor 000024 73 49 'I' Data type = int 000025 0 00 NUL Length of field name 000026 11 0b VT 000027 120 78 'x' Field name 000028 67 43 'C' 000029 111 6f 'o' 000030 111 6f 'o' 000031 114 72 'r' 000032 100 64 'd' 000033 105 69 'i' 000034 110 6e 'n' 000035 97 61 'a' 000036 116 74 't' 000037 101 65 'e' Second data field descriptor 000038 73 49 'I' Data type = int 000039 0 00 NUL Length of field name 000040 11 0b VT 000041 121 79 'y' Field name 000042 67 43 'C' 000043 111 6f 'o' 000044 111 6f 'o' 000045 114 72 'r' 000046 100 64 'd' 000047 105 69 'i' 000048 110 6e 'n' 000049 97 61 'a' 000050 116 74 't' 000051 101 65 'e' Third data field descriptor 000052 76 4c 'L' Data type = object 000053 0 00 NUL Length of field name 000054 9 09 HT 000055 110 6e 'n' Field name 000056 101 65 'e' 000057 120 78 'x' 000058 116 74 't' 000059 80 50 'P' 000060 111 6f 'o' 000061 105 69 'i' 000062 110 6e 'n' 000063 116 74 't' 000064 116 74 't' Start of field type 000065 0 00 NUL Length of field type descriptor 000066 7 07 BEL 000067 76 4c 'L' Field type descriptor 000068 80 50 'P' 000069 111 6f 'o' 000070 105 69 'i' 000071 110 6e 'n' 000072 116 74 't' 000073 59 3b ';' 000074 120 78 'x' End of class descriptor (but superclass follows) 000075 112 70 'p' Superclass type: none 000076 0 00 NUL Value of first data field = 101 (decimal) 000077 0 00 NUL 000078 0 00 NUL 000079 101 65 'e' 000080 0 00 NUL Value of second data field = 102 (decimal) 000081 0 00 NUL 000082 0 00 NUL 000083 102 66 'f' Value of third data field: 000084 115 73 's' Start of object 000085 114 72 'r' Start of class descriptor 000086 0 00 NUL Length of class name 000087 10 0a LF 000088 78 4e 'N' Class name 000089 97 61 'a' 000090 109 6d 'm' 000091 101 65 'e' 000092 100 64 'd' 000093 80 50 'P' 000094 111 6f 'o' 000095 105 69 'i' 000096 110 6e 'n' 000097 116 74 't' 000098 121 79 'y' Class fingerprint 000099 198 c6 000100 145 91 000101 72 48 'H' 000102 158 9e 000103 23 17 ETB 000104 79 4f 'O' 000105 185 b9 000106 2 02 STX Class flags 000107 0 00 NUL Count of data field descriptors 000108 1 01 SOH 000109 76 4c 'L' Data type = object 000110 0 00 NUL Length of field name 000111 4 04 EOT 000112 110 6e 'n' Field name 000113 97 61 'a' 000114 109 6d 'm' 000115 101 65 'e' 000116 116 74 't' Start of field type 000117 0 00 NUL Length of field type descriptor 000118 18 12 DC2 000119 76 4c 'L' Field type 000120 106 6a 'j' 000121 97 61 'a' 000122 118 76 'v' 000123 97 61 'a' 000124 47 2f '/' 000125 108 6c 'l' 000126 97 61 'a' 000127 110 6e 'n' 000128 103 67 'g' 000129 47 2f '/' 000130 83 53 'S' 000131 116 74 't' 000132 114 72 'r' 000133 105 69 'i' 000134 110 6e 'n' 000135 103 67 'g' 000136 59 3b ';' 000137 120 78 'x' End of class descriptor (but superclass follows) 000138 113 71 'q' Superclass is serial object # 0 000139 0 00 NUL 000140 126 7e '~' 000141 0 00 NUL The 0 refers back to the description of class Point 000142 0 00 NUL Start of field values (superclass first) 000143 255 ff ffffff33 (hex) = -205 (decimal) 000144 255 ff 000145 255 ff 000146 51 33 '3' 000147 255 ff ffffff32 (hex) = -206 000148 255 ff 000149 255 ff 000150 50 32 '2' 000151 112 70 'p' 000152 116 74 't' String 000153 0 00 NUL Length of string 000154 18 12 DC2 000155 52 34 '4' Value of string 000156 116 74 't' 000157 104 68 'h' 000158 32 20 ' ' 000159 113 71 'q' 000160 117 75 'u' 000161 97 61 'a' 000162 100 64 'd' 000163 114 72 'r' 000164 97 61 'a' 000165 110 6e 'n' 000166 116 74 't' 000167 32 20 ' ' 000168 112 70 'p' 000169 111 6f 'o' 000170 105 69 'i' 000171 110 6e 'n' 000172 116 74 't'