J. Blustein

Details of J. Blustein's Address

This webpage is available only as a matter of record.

My Office

For about five years from my office was, but is no longer, room 4203 in the Mona Campbell building (1459 LeMarchant St at the corner of Coburg Rd).

Landmark Orientation within the Mona Campbell Building

Some landmarks to help you orient: My office was on the 4th floor near Stairway 1 and inside an area labeled Rooms 4202–4214.  My office was on the West side of the building, directly opposite Howe Hall.

Sorry no floor plan map is available.

The Mona Campbell Building (map)

Dalhousie's department of facilities management used to have a map of the Mona Campbell building on their website.

The civic address is 1459 LeMarchant St. (at the intersection with Coburg Road).  There is a Google Maps page for the Mona Campbell building.
