J. Blustein's Bookmarks

(Find | Cool | HT | IR | Prog | I'net | Educat | Rec &c | UnFiled)

Not every WWW document that I regularly use is on this list, but they are all within a few links (usually two) of something on this list (or the accompanying lists of hypertext bookmarks, information retrieval bookmarks, or 'net bookmarks). I've also included some links that I think might be helpful to others even if I don't use them myself.

The last major reorganization of this list was on 11 July 1997, and I last checked the validity of all the links on 10 June 1996. If you find something wrong with any of the links please tell me! Some previous versions of this list are also available.

Navigational Aids

Suggestions for better navigation methods are very welcome.

J. Blustein <jamie@csd.uwo.ca>

Sections: Abbreviated Section Titles

(Find | Cool | HT | IR | Prog | I'net | Educat | Rec &c | UnFiled)

The List

(Find | Cool | HT | IR | Prog | I'net | Educat | Rec &c | UnFiled)


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This collection and the accompanying text is copyright by its compiler and author, J. Blustein.

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