#!/opt/bin/perl #Process.cgi: This is the program # that insert, delete, and update # the appointment table. # It accepts the input from insert.html, # delete.html, and update.html respectively use strict; use DBI; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use vars qw($cgi $dbh); $ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"} = '/opt/oracle/9.0.1'; $cgi=new CGI; my $sth; #print out the header print $cgi->header; print "\n"; print "
"; print "

Calendar of March 23, 2006

"; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:TRCH", "usrname", "passwrd") or die "Connecting: $DBI::errstr"; #'action' is the name of the forms in all the webpage # passing input #my $action = ""; #$action=$cgi->param('action'); #Call appropriate subroutine based on the action #Subroutine is where you make changes to table if ($cgi->param('action') eq "insert") { &insert; } elsif ($cgi->param('action') eq "delete") { &delete; } elsif ($cgi->param('action') eq "update") { &update; } elsif ($cgi->param('action') eq "view") { &view; } print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "\n"; $dbh->disconnect( ); #Insert subroutine #Given a time and a chore, #this subroutine insert #an entry into appointment table sub insert { #Following two line gets the input my $appTime=$cgi->param('time'); my $chore=$cgi->param('chore'); #Following lines insert new entry $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into APPOINTMENT values ('$appTime', '$chore')") or die "Cannot prepare insert: " . $dbh->errstr( ); $sth->execute( ) or die "Cannot execute insert: " . $sth->errstr( ); $sth->finish( ); #display update &view; } #Delete subroutine #Given a time, #this subroutine deletes #an entry with given time sub delete { #This line accepts the time of the entry to delete my $appTime=$cgi->param('time'); #This line deletes the entry $sth=$dbh->do("delete from APPOINTMENT where appTime = '$appTime'"); &view; } #Update subroutine #Given a time and the updated chore, #this subroutine update #an entry with given time sub update { #Following two lines gets the time of the entry #and the updated chore my $appTime=$cgi->param('time'); my $chore=$cgi->param('chore'); #following line is the SQL command to update the chore $sth=$dbh->do("update APPOINTMENT set CHORE = '$chore' where APPTIME = '$appTime'"); &view; } #View subroutine #This subroutines display all the entries sub view { #Get all entries my $sth=$dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM appointment"); if (!defined $sth){ print "Unalbe to load data\n"; die; } $sth->execute; #Print the entries #The fetchrow_array() method gets each #record and store it in the @row array. foreach loop iterates through #@row array and store each data in $_ print ''; print ''; my @row; while (@row=$sth->fetchrow_array()){ print ""; foreach (@row) { print ""; } print "\n"; } print "
"; }