package Chatbot::Eliza::Polite; use Chatbot::Eliza; use vars '@ISA'; # file: Chatbot/Eliza/ # Figure 12.3: Eliza::Chatbot::Polite module @ISA = 'Chatbot::Eliza'; # return our welcome line sub welcome { my $self = shift; $self->botprompt($self->name . ":\t"); # Set Eliza's prompt $self->userprompt("you:\t"); # Set user's prompt # Generate the initial greeting return join ('', $self->botprompt, $self->{initial}->[ int rand scalar @{ $self->{initial} } ],"\n", $self->userprompt); } # Return the response to a line of user input sub one_line { my $self = shift; my $in = shift; my $reply; # If the user wants to quit, # print out a farewell and quit. if ( $self->_testquit($in) ) { $reply = $self->{final}->[ int rand scalar @{ $self->{final} } ]; $self->{_quit}++; # flag that we're done return $reply . "\n"; } # Invoke the transform method # to generate a reply. $reply = $self->transform( $in ); return join ('', $self->botprompt, $reply,"\n", $self->userprompt); } # Return true if the session is done sub done { return shift->{_quit} } 1;