package ChatObjects::ChatCodes; # Figure 19.4: The ChatObjects::ChatCodes module # NOTE: this contains the STILL_HERE modification for timing out idle clients # as well as the SET_MCAST_PORT constant from chapter 21. use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( ERROR LOGIN_REQ LOGIN_ACK JOIN_REQ JOIN_ACK PART_REQ PART_ACK SEND_PUBLIC PUBLIC_MSG SEND_PRIVATE PRIVATE_MSG USER_JOINS USER_PARTS LIST_CHANNELS CHANNEL_ITEM LIST_USERS USER_ITEM LOGOFF STILL_HERE SET_MCAST_PORT ); use constant ERROR => 10; use constant LOGIN_REQ => 20; use constant LOGIN_ACK => 30; use constant LOGOFF => 40; use constant JOIN_REQ => 50; use constant JOIN_ACK => 60; use constant PART_REQ => 70; use constant PART_ACK => 80; use constant SEND_PUBLIC => 90; use constant PUBLIC_MSG => 100; use constant SEND_PRIVATE => 120; use constant PRIVATE_MSG => 130; use constant USER_JOINS => 140; use constant USER_PARTS => 150; use constant LIST_CHANNELS => 160; use constant CHANNEL_ITEM => 170; use constant LIST_USERS => 180; use constant USER_ITEM => 190; use constant STILL_HERE => 200; use constant SET_MCAST_PORT => 210; 1;