package HTTPFetch; # file: # Figure 13.10: The HTTPFetch module uses nonblocking connects # to retrieve several web pages in parallel use strict; use IO::Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf); use File::Path; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use Errno 'EINPROGRESS'; sub new { my $pack = shift; my $url = shift; # parse URL, return components my ($host,$port,$path) = $pack->parse_url($url); return $pack->error("invalid url: $url\n") unless $host; # connect to remote host in nonblocking way my $sock = $pack->connect($host,$port); return $pack->error("can't connect: $!") unless $sock; # create a name for the local file to copy data into my $localpath = "./$host/$path"; $localpath .= "index.html" if $localpath =~ m!/$!; return bless { # ("waiting", "reading header" or "reading body") status => 'waiting', socket => $sock, remotepath => $path, localpath => $localpath, url => $url, localfh => undef, # not opened yet header => undef, # none yet },$pack; } # this will return the socket associated with the object sub socket { shift->{socket} } # very basic URL-parsing sub sub parse_url { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; my ($hostent,$path) = $url =~ m!^http://([^/]+)(/?[^\#]*)! or return; $path ||= '/'; my ($host,$port) = split(':',$hostent); return ($host,$port||80,$path); } # this is called to connect to remote host sub connect { my $pack = shift; my ($host,$port) = @_; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM); return unless $sock; $sock->blocking(0); my $addr = sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton($host)); my $result = $sock->connect($addr); return $sock if $result; # return the socket if connected immediately return $sock if $! == EINPROGRESS; # or if it's in progress return; # return undef on other errors } # this is called to send the HTTP request sub send_request { my $self = shift; die "not in right state" unless $self->{status} eq 'waiting'; unless ($self->{socket}->connected) { $! = $self->{socket}->sockopt(SO_ERROR); return $self->error("couldn't connect: $!") ; } $self->{socket}->blocking(1); # back to normal blocking mode return $self->error("syswrite(): $!") unless syswrite($self->{socket},"GET $self->{remotepath} HTTP/1.0$CRLF$CRLF"); $self->{status} = 'reading header'; } # this is called when the socket is ready to be read sub read { my $self = shift; return $self->read_header if $self->{status} eq 'reading header'; return $self->read_body if $self->{status} eq 'reading body'; } # read the header through to the $CRLF$CRLF (blank line) # return a true value for 200 OK sub read_header { my $self = shift; my $bytes = sysread($self->{socket},$self->{header},1024,length $self->{header}); return $self->error("Unexpected close before header read") unless $bytes > 0; # have we found the CRLF yet? my $i = rindex($self->{header},"$CRLF$CRLF"); return 1 unless $i >= 0; # no, so keep waiting # found the header my ($stat_code,$stat_msg) = $self->{header} =~ m!^HTTP/1\.[01] (\d+) (.+)$CRLF!o; # On non-200 status codes return an error return $self->error("$stat_code $stat_msg") unless $stat_code == 200; # If we have stuff after the header, then write it out to local file my $extra_data = substr($self->{header},$i+4); $self->write_local($extra_data) if length $extra_data; undef $self->{header}; # don't need header now return $self->{status} = 'reading body'; } # this is called to read the body of the message and write it to our local file sub read_body { my $self = shift; my $data; return $self->write_local($data) if sysread($self->{socket},$data,1024); return; } # this is called to write some data to the local file sub write_local { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; unless ($self->{localfh}) { mkpath(dirname($self->{localpath})); $self->{localfh} = IO::File->new($self->{localpath},">") || return $self->error("Can't open local file: $!"); } syswrite($self->{localfh},$data) || return $self->error("Can't write local file: $!"); } # warn in case of error and return undef sub error { my ($self,@msg) = @_; unshift @msg,"$self->{url}: " if ref $self; warn @msg,"\n"; return; } 1;