package Net::NetmaskLite; # file: Net/; # Chapter 3/Appendix A: This module illustrates the numeric relationship between the # host address, the network address, the broadcast address and the netmask. use strict; use Carp 'croak'; use overload '""'=>netmask; sub new { my $pack = shift; my $mask = shift or croak "Usage: Netmask->new(\$dotted_IP_addr)\n"; my $num = ($mask =~ /^\d+$/ && $mask <= 32) ? _tomask($mask) : _tonum($mask); bless \$num,$pack; } sub hostpart { my $mask = shift; my $addr = tonum(shift) or croak "Usage: \$netmask->hostpart(\$dotted_IP_addr)\n"; _toaddr($addr & ~$$mask); } sub netpart{ my $mask = shift; my $addr = tonum(shift) or croak "Usage: \$netmask->hostpart(\$dotted_IP_addr)\n"; _toaddr($addr & $$mask); } sub broadcast { my $mask = shift; my $addr = tonum(shift) or croak "Usage: \$netmask->hostpart(\$dotted_IP_addr)\n"; _toaddr($addr | ($$mask ^ 0xffffffff)); } sub network { my $mask = shift; my $addr = tonum(shift) or croak "Usage: \$netmask->hostpart(\$dotted_IP_addr)\n"; _toaddr($addr & ($$mask & 0xffffffff)); } sub netmask { _toaddr(${shift()}); } # utilities sub _tomask { my $ones = shift; unpack "L",pack "b*",('1' x $ones) . ('0' x (32-$ones)); } sub _tonum { unpack "L",pack("C4",split /\./,shift) } sub _toaddr { join '.',unpack("C4",pack("L",shift)) } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::NetmaskLite - IP address netmask utility =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::NetmaskLite; $mask = Net::NetmaskLite->new(''); $broadcast = $mask->broadcast(''); $network = $mask->network(''); $hostpart = $mask->hostpart(''); $netpart = $mask->netpart(''); =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides an object which can be used for deriving the broadcast and network addresses given an Internet netmask. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over 4 =item $mask = Net::NetmaskLite->new($mask) The new() constructor creates a new netmask. C<$mask> is the desired mask. You may use either dotted decimal form ( or bitcount form (24) for the mask. The constructor returns a Net::NetmaskLite object, which can be used for further manipulation. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item $bcast = $mask->broadcast($addr) Given an IP address in dotted decimal form, the broadcast() method returns the proper broadcast address, also in dotted decimal form. =item $network = $mask->network($addr) Given an IP address in dotted decimal form, the network() method returns the proper network address in dotted decimal form. =item $addr = $mask->hostpart($addr) Given an IP address in dotted decimal form, the hostpart() method returns the host part of the address in dotted decimal form. =item $addr = $mask->netpart($addr) Given an IP address in dotted decimal form, the hostpart() method returns the network part of the address in dotted decimal form. =item $addr = $mask->netmask This just returns the original netmask in dotted decimal form. The quote operator is overloaded to call netmask() when the object is used in a string context. =back =head2 Example: Given a netmask of and an IP address of, the following values are returned: netmask: broadcast: network: hostpart: netpart: =head1 SEE ALSO L L =head1 AUTHOR Lincoln Stein =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 Lincoln Stein. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut