Slide 22 of 27

Float Example with an Image

Accessibility LogoThis is an accessibility logo that is used to indicate universally accessible Web materials. It was developed through a contest sponsored by the Yuri Rubinsky Foundation. Yuri Rubinsky was President of SoftQuad a company that developed authoring tools for SGML and HTML documents. He died quit suddenly in 1995. Yuri Rubinsky was an early industry advocate for designing accessible electronic materials. He organized and sponsored many activities for early web accessibility.

Example code:

<style type="text/css">
.mystyle1 {
border: 3px solid black;
width: 40%;
padding: .5em }
img.icon {
float: left;
margin: 4px }
<div class="mystyle1">
alt="Accessibility Logo"/>
This is an accessibility logo that is used to indicate universally accessible Web materials. It was developed through a contest sponsored by the Yuri Rubinsky Foundation. Yuri Rubinsky was President of SoftQuad a company that developed authoring tools for SGML and HTML documents. He died quit suddenly in 1995. Yuri Rubinsky was an early industry advocate for designing accessible electronic materials. He organized and sponsored many activities for early web accessibility.</div>