Future Seer

This fortune-telling app is very easy to use.

First type the question you want ansered into the white Edit Box near the top of the screen. When you first tap the white box, the keyboard appears.

Then tap the yellow button Ask The Question and the answer will appear in the green box. That's all there is to it.

The Seer is designed to answer questions typically including Does, Did, Will, Is, When, Should and Could. It will answer other questions too, but not always well.

There is no need to tap a question mark after your query, that is understood.

To answer another question, use the Back Button of the mobile device and re-enter the app again for each query.

NOTE: It is not intended nor recommended that you should make important life decisions based on the advice provided by this app. Although the answers may often seem pertinent, they are generated randomly based on the category of question. But you knew that already.