Alexander Wilson

Who am I?

I am a Software Engineer who loves problem-solving and programming. I like to take on hard problems and learn about new technologies. I have experience working with many different technologies through my personal projects as well as school projects. I have worked with team members using Agile methodologies to create mobile applications that utilize cloud services including Google Cloud Platform, Firebase, and Amazon Web Services. I also have experience building different web applications including APIs, RESTful web sites, and REACT web apps. I enjoy working in teams collaborating with one another to create the best results. I also like taking leadership roles as I have done at previous jobs and through being captain of my high school Lacrosse team.


Dalhousie University


Bachelor degree in Compter Science

Dalhousie University

May 2023

Communication Technologies & Cyber Security Certificate



    - SQL
    - Python
    - Java
    - C
    - React
    - JavaScript
    - Security
    - Linux
    - HTML
    - PHP
    - REST
    - Data Structures & Systems
    - Agile Methodologies
    - TCP/IP
    - Git
    - Docker
    - AWS
    - CI/CD
    - Mobile development
    - Cloud
    - Networking


    - Adaptability
    - Teamwork
    - Windows
    - Time Management
    - Problem solving
    - Microsoft Office
    - Communication
    - Work ethic

School Projects

Cloud hosted Forum website

During winter 2023, I have been working on a term project to create a cloud-based website hosted by AWS. Using Amazon services EC2, Secret Manager, VPC, Lambda, Gateway, and RDS. I was able to create an online Forum where users can create accounts, make posts, and reply to posts. Through this project, I setup a cloud environment including a virtual machine, Firewalls, endpoints, relational database, and RESTful APIs.

Augmented Reality for Molecular Structures

This project is an android application for the Chemistry department of Dalhousie University. This application lets a student scan a QR code which then displays 3D molecules over the textbook page. During this project, I worked setting up the JSON cloud database on Firebase. I worked on updating the UI and fixing the navigation. I also created 3D objects and linked them with QR codes.

Bartering application

In this project our group was tasked with creating an application where users could trade goods with each other. I worked on a variety of things during this project: Registering user accounts, Login, Instant Messaging, User location, Database, uploading and downloading from Database.

2 Phase Commit

This project contains 3 websites. CompanyX and CompanyY which sell parts. The have front end and use php to query their MySQL dbs. CompanyZ has its on db but uses its REST services to contact both X and Y allowing a user to purchase from both. The db code is in companyZ/db in that file each company's table are in one DB, but they can be separated. Then seed file for the db is also in companyZ. This also implemenets 2PC through sending urls.

Email Website

Our team developed a website email service. I worked on handling user registering and logging in. I implemented input sanitization as well as hashing and salting the passwords. Then would store the information in the SQL database.

Personal Projects

Wordle solver App

Over the summer, I developed my own android app to help win at the game wordle. I used someone’s list of 13k words then used a python web scraper to create a list of 1k common words. Then every word is given a score based on letters positions in the word and how common that letter is in the available words. This has got many clones on GitHub and is able to on average get the Wordle in about 3 attempts.

Typing speed test

This is a REACT app. This is a responsive typing speed test which gives you 60 seconds to type as many of the randomly generated words. If letter is correct it will be blue and if incorrect red. If there is an incorrect character in the word and the user moves to next word. The incorrect word will turn all red.

Exam WebScraper

I wanted a faster way to find out what my final exam schedule was. Instead of manually going through searching for my classes from the list of hundreds, I made a desktop top application to do it for me. I developed a Windows app that takes in input of class through its JavaFX GUI and then displays the time and location of each exam.