Project Topics
In groups of 1 or 2 students will complete a major course
project on an approved topic. Groups may either develop a topic of their
own, perhaps connected to their thesis topic and have it approved by the
instructor or may selected from the list of suggested topics below.
- Pick a topic that interests you:
- The best topics involve some algorithms desesign, an implementation, and a performance evaluation.
- Pick a subject area that you know something about. Something to do with your thesis or interests in computing works well.
- Have a scan of the recent conferences and journals for something that interests you.
- Do the one page write-up (with references into the liturature) and discuss it with me.
- Here are some topics that I am interested in and could give you some support with:
- Bleeding Edge Architecutres
- Applications/Algorithms in
- Text Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Performance Tuning Frameworks
- A Performance Tuning Framework for GPUs
- A Performance Tuning Framework for Multicore Sceintific Codes
- A Performance Tuning Framework for Cloud based applications
- Take an online Parallel Course
- Pick a problem from your thesis work and parallelize it
- I will help you with the parallel algorithm design step.
* Publications
* Research *
* Contact me