////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PIMS: Personal Invstment Management System //Class : SetAlerts //This class provides the GUI for the user to see the pertinent alerts ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class ShowAlerts extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ private Alerts AL; private String alerts[][]; private int numAlerts; public ShowAlerts(Alerts AL)throws Exception{ this.AL = AL; alerts = AL.checkForAlerts(); //Count the number of alerts numAlerts = 0; while(alerts[numAlerts][0] != null)numAlerts++; //Now show the pending alerts makeGUI(); } private void makeGUI()throws Exception{ setSize(400, 200); setLocation(120,150); setTitle("Pending Alerts"); setBackground(Color.white); Container CP = getContentPane(); CP.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); CP.setBackground(Color.white); Panel pan1 = new Panel(); pan1.setLayout(new GridLayout(numAlerts+1, 2)); Label dt = new Label("Date"); Label details = new Label("Details"); pan1.add(dt); pan1.add(details); for(int i=0;i