////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PIMS: Personal Invstment Management System //Class : NetLoader //Use:Downloads the current prices from the net and updates the //share price database ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.awt.*; public class NetLoader extends Frame implements Runnable{ private dataRepository DR; private int fill=0; private String host = ""; private String fileName = "stok/nse/pric.xls"; private int numShares; private String shares[][]; private boolean downloadOption; public NetLoader(dataRepository DR, boolean downloadOption){ this.DR = DR; this.downloadOption = downloadOption; } public void run(){ try{ setSize(500,90); setTitle("Download Prices"); setBackground(Color.white); setVisible(true); //download the current prices from the net if(downloadOption)downloadPrices(host, fileName); //toHtml is a program that converts an .xls file to html file that is easier to parse. Process P = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./toHTML"); P.waitFor(); //parse the html file to get the prices. shares = parseFile(); //Update the share price database DR.writeSharePrices(numShares, shares); setVisible(false); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); new Error("Failure to download current prices"); //return; } } public String downloadPrices(String host,String file_name)throws Exception{ String result=null; String request=""; String req="http://"+host+"/"+file_name; try{ Socket soc=new Socket(host,80); OutputStream out=soc.getOutputStream(); InputStream in=soc.getInputStream(); request="GET "+req+" HTTP/1.0\r\n"+""+"\r\n"; //writing the request to the given host byte buffer[]=request.getBytes(); out.write(buffer); //reading the reply FileOutputStream FW = new FileOutputStream("./price.xls"); byte header[]=new byte[500]; int head[] = new int[500]; int c; int i=0; while(true){//reading the downloded file. if(i>=500)break;//reading only the header. c=in.read(); if(c == -1)break; header[i]=(byte) c; head[i++] = c; } String temp=new String(header,0,500); //read the length of the file. int CL = temp.indexOf("Content-Length"); int index=temp.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); int fileLength = Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(CL+16, index)); int n=Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(9,12)); if(n==200){//download OK. //read the rest of the file and write to the output file. for(int k=index+4;k<500;++k)FW.write(head[k]); i = 500 - index - 4; while(true){//reading the downloded file. c=in.read(); i++; fill = (i*300)/fileLength; if(i%50 == 0)repaint(); FW.write(c); if(i == fileLength)break; } } in.close(); out.close(); }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);} return(result); } //Shows the progress bar. public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawRect(100,40,300,30); g.fillRect(100,40,fill,30); if(fill != 300) g.drawString("Download in Progress...", 150, 80); else g.drawString("Download Complete...", 150, 80); } //Parses the html file containing the prices in a table and extracts the prices. private String[][] parseFile()throws Exception{ int i; int st,end; numShares = 0; String Line; String companyName, price; String shares[][] = new String[1000][2]; FileReader FR = new FileReader("price.html"); BufferedReader BR = new BufferedReader(FR); //Eat away the initial lines of the file. for(i=0;i<26;++i){ BR.readLine(); } while(true){ Line = BR.readLine(); if(Line == null)break; if(Line.startsWith(""); end = Line.indexOf("<",st); Line = Line.substring(st+1, end); //} companyName = Line; for(i=0;i<3;++i)BR.readLine();//eat the intermediate lines. Line = BR.readLine();//read the price //for(i=0;i<1;++i){ st = Line.indexOf(">"); end = Line.indexOf("<",st); Line = Line.substring(st+1, end); //} price = Line; shares[numShares][0] = companyName; shares[numShares][1] = price; numShares++; } } return(shares); } }