Course Project
The purpose of the group projects is to have the students apply the principles
they learn in class on a group project that is large enough to exercise
the project management techniques being discussed while small enough to
be feasible within a one term course.
- This is a group project. The idea is to offer you an opportunity
to learn about the team dynamics, work distribution etc. Team
membership maybe be assigned by the instructor.
- The project must be executed following a proper process and
suitable documents should be produced, using proper standards/format.
- The project needs to be large enough to exersize the key software design skills and processes but not so large that it overwelms you. The challenge is
to solve some problem using software, and that this software should be
developed using proper techniques.
Work Products
During the course you will prepare the following work products. Each
completed work product must be
- posted to your Group Website, and
- emailed to your TA before class on the date due.
Each document must have a
revisions section in which changes to the document are tracked.
- Project Charter
- SRS & Project Plan
- System Design & Detained Design Docs
- Documented Code Base
- Test Plan
- Test Reports
- User Manual
- Deployment Guide
- Minutes of Project Meetings
Each work product will be marked on the following basis:
- Completeness
- Consistency
- Level of specificity
- Clarity
- Organization
- Format, spelling, grammar
- Use of diagrams
Software Craft
All projects are expected to be conducted in a professional manner.
Software craft will be a component of each groups marks. Marking will
consider at least the following:
- Code quality and organization
- Internal documentation
- Use of a version control system
- Use of an build system
- Use of a testing framework (Unit, Regression, ...)
- Use of a ticket tracking and release system
1. Group Website
Each group should pick on a "Group Name" and solicit project ideas.
Then each group should create a group website which contains on the
front age the following information:
- Group name
- List of group members
- List of prospective projects
- Pointer to the Meeting Minutes.
- Access to the running Demo System
- Anything else you think is important
Initial Demo
The initial demo consists of two parts:
1) The client demo should consist of a 10 minute demo and 5 minutes for questions. The goal is to pitch the project to the project sponsor. What is the project going to do? How does it work? What does it look like? The idea is to evoke the final project and get user feedback. The software will not be finished at this stage so some of what you show will be working prototype, some half working code, and other bits pure mock-up. A demo is theatre. Rehersal and planned story telling are as important running code.
2) The technical demo should consist of a 10 minute walk though the main design diagram and the software infrastructure and code base. Imagine that you are trying to pursade the clients technial advisor that you are up to the job. Your technical demo should answer the following questions:
- What is your development environment?
- Do you have a version control repository?
- Is compilation, server deployment (if necessary), and
configuration done through a simple 'one-click/button/command'?
- Do your unit tests cover both normal and exceptional cases?
- Are defects documented, categorized, and prioritized?
3. Design Documents
3a. Project Charter and Feasibility Doc
The Project Carter is usually the first project document produced. It
authorizes the project, describes the Why, What, How, Who and When. It
is a concise high-level description of at least
- The customer,
- A problem statement (the business problem to be solved?),
- Project Description (the approach to be taken?),
- Goals, Objectives, and Design principles (How do you know if you
are successful? What do you value?)
- The project scope (What is specifically included and excluded),
- Critical success factors (What is key to success, what are the
key risks, and mitigation plans),
- Any assumptions and/or constraints
- Project organization,
- Major milestones, and
- Roles
and responsibilities.
A well written Project Charter anchors a project helping the team avoid
mid project drift. Every project needs a charter! If the sponsor
doesn't provide it, the development team should create one and get it
approved! See the Templates Directory for a number of Proejct Charter
3b. SRS & Project Plan
Using one of the provided templates create a SRS document. Note that
the functional requirements should be specified using the Use case
methodology described in class and in your text book. Also at least one
part of the system should be described with a Data Flow diagram. With
respect to a project plan you can either 1) Augment the charter
document, or 2) Create a seperate project plan. Regardless please look
at the Project Plan Template for guidence regarding content.
SRS Evaluation
Imagine that you
are handed this SRS and are asked to design the associated
system. Are the requirements spelled out clearly enough? The more
comments you make the better. You should consider at least the
- Introduction
- Does it clearly describe the objective and scope of the system
- Functional Requirements
- Described using Use cases with well specified alternatives and
failure paths
- Must be Correct (clear), Complete, Unambiguous, and Consistent
- At least one Use case must be specified along with a Data Flow
diagram as described in class
- Performance Requirements
- Design Constraints
- External Interfaces
- Use of one of the provided template
- Other
- Spelling, format, grammar
- Traceability of Use cases and Requirements
Please use track changes in MS Word to added your commend and then send
them by the due date to both the TA and the members of the other group.
4. Design Review (Not required for Winter 2013)
Each group X is to review the SRS of group Y = (X + 1) mod N whereis the number of
groups (ie. your group number plus 1 unless you are the last group that
does the first groups) . The list
of groups and a pointer to their web pages with design documents can be
found here. Imagine that you
are handed this set of design documents and are asked to either build
or create test cases for the associated
system. Is the design described in enough detail? The more
comments you make the better. You should consider at least the
- Completeness:
- Are all levels/components of the design (architecture, static
structure, DB, UI, ...) clearly articulated?
- Are design decisions documented as completely and as thoroughly
as can be known at the present time?
- Does every design decision documented have only a single
interpretation that is the same for both those who produce it and those
who read it?
- Consistency:
- Upward Consistency: Is the design
documentation consistent with higher-level documents (e.g., System
Requirements Specification, Project Charter, etc)?
- Lateral Consistency: Are the design
documents at the same level consistent with each other (e.g.,
Database Design Document, Human Interface Design Document, etc)?
- Internal Consistency: Is each design
document internally consistent in that all design decisions that it
contains are compatible?
- Organization:
- Does the design documentation have a coherent, easy-to-use
- Are the design decisions neither redundantly
stated nor intermingled?
- Usefulness:
- Can
you confirm based on these design documents that the requirements
specified in the SRS are likely to be met?
- Could
a set of talented programmers build the system using these design
documents as a guide?
- Could
a QA group specify a good test plan and set of test cases using the SRS
and these design docs as a guide?
5. Test Plan and Cases
6. Final Group Project Demo
Each group is to give a demos consisting of three parts:
- A short powerpoint overview of your project including the client,
project goals, main requirements, high-level architecture. Be concise!
Use lists and pictures/diagrams. Avoid using too many words on each
- A demo of your running system. Lead the audience through one or
two of the main uses cases.
- A question and answer period. Have all of your documents, your
code repository, and meeting notes available for display. A
typical question will ask you to trace a requirement from the Project
Charter, to the SRS, through the test cases, into the code, and to its
correspondence in the running system. BE READY!
Please be sure to complete parts 1 and 2 in 15 minutes
to leave time for questions. Note that I will stop you when
15 minutes is over. Please have all your materials arranged in a well
structured way on a memory stick to assist in quickly accessing
Project Website (Due on the final Demo Day)
Each group should have a website with at least
- Group name
- List of group members
- Pointer to the Meeting Minutes.
- Access to the running Demo System
- Anything else you think is important
7. Final Set of Work Products for Group Project
For final submission please prepare a binder containing printed copies
of at least the following:
- Project Charter and Feasibility Doc
- SRS & Project Plan
- System Design & Detained Design Docs
- Documented Code Base
- Test Plan
- Test Reports
- User Manual
- Deployment Guide
- Minutes of Project Meetings
- All reviews (both given and received)
The more evidence you can add that shows how your improved your work
based on feedback from the marker and other students the better. Your
code base should be made available on disc or zipped emailed to me. If
your code is available for me to run please provide me
Note on System Design & Detailed Design Docs
A complete set of design documents that cover both
the architectural
level and the detailed design level. Taken together the design
documents should
cover the architecture, description of module level system design, and
documentation associated with database schema and UI as required. The
goal is a
paper investigation of the system design that can be refined before it
frozen in code. The design documents should also support verification
that the
system meets the requirements described in the SRS and support the
creation of
test plans and cases.
8. Project Post-Mortem
EACH STUDENT, should complete a Project Post-Mortem and email it to A template is provided in the template directory.
Failure to submit a Project Post-Mortem will result in a zero for
student participation.