Winter 2013 Course Project : Getting Things Done


Design and implement a Getting Things Done (GTD) Task Management Package based on the writings on David Allen. See for an overview and David Allen's book. In addition supporting in software the requirements set out by the GTD methodology as best you can your solution should be designed to meet the following technical requirements:

  1. Be accessible on a mobile phone and on either a desktop or over the web.
  2. Be scalable to 1000's of users.
  3. Support task creation from an email.


Group Deliverable

Initial Project Demo and Docs - Marking Scheme

Design Sketch 5 Views - Marking Scheme


Final Project - Marking Scheme

Final Group Project Demo

Each group is to give a demos consisting of three parts:
  1. A short powerpoint overview of your project including the client, project goals, main requirements, high-level architecture. Be concise! Use lists and pictures/diagrams. Avoid using too many words on each slide. 
  2. A demo of your running system. Lead the audience through one or two of the main uses cases. 
  3. A question and answer period. Have all of your documents, your code repository, and meeting notes available for display. A typical question will ask you to trace a requirement from the Project Charter, to the SRS, through the test cases, into the code, and to its correspondence in the running system. BE READY! 

Please be sure to complete parts 1 and 2 in 15 minutes to leave time for questions. Note that I will stop you when 15 minutes is over. Please have all your materials arranged in a well structured way on a memory stick to assist in quickly accessing material. 

Project Website (Due on the final Demo Day)

Each group should have a website with at least
  1. Group name
  2. List of group members
  3. Pointer to the Meeting Minutes.
  4. Access to the running Demo System
  5. Anything else you think is important

Final Set of Work Products for Group Project

For final submission please prepare a binder containing printed copies of  at least the following:

The more evidence you can add that shows how your improved your work based on feedback from the marker and other students the better. Your code base should be made available on online or zipped emailed to me. If  your code is available for me to run please provide me instructions.

Note on System Design & Detailed Design Docs
A complete set of design documents that cover both the architectural level and the detailed design level. Taken together the design documents should cover the architecture, description of module level system design, and documentation associated with database schema and UI as required. The design documents should also support verification that the system meets the requirements described in the SRS and support the creation of test plans and cases.

8. Project Post-Mortem

EACH STUDENT, should complete a Project Post-Mortem and email it to A template is provided in the template directory. Failure to submit a Project Post-Mortem will result in a zero for student participation.


Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4
