CSci2110 - Problem Set 1

Due: January 22nd 2015 by 11:59 pm

Revisions History:
Created Dec 30, 2014
Added more recursion examples. See RecursionExamples.

Assignment Goals:

  1. Review/learn more Java features including text file handling, exceptions, and multi-dimensional arrays.
  2. Give you experience designing algorithms based on non-trivial recursive enumeration
  3. Practice with code craft requirements. See the code craft requirements document BEFORE you start this assignment.

Question 1: A League of Teams

Implement a class called Team that represents a team that plays other teams in a league. Each Team instance should keep track of its name,  and the number of wins, losses and ties in the current competition. Thus a Team object has four protected or private fields or instance variable:

name of type String
wins of type int
losses of type int
ties of type int

Implement a class called League that represents a group of teams. Each League  instance should keep track of the number of teams in the League, the teams themselves, and its name. Thus a League instance has three protected or private fields (instance variables):

name of type String
size of type int
teams an array of Teams

For the Team class, implement the following instance methods:

public static void main(String args[]) {
Team teamA = new Team("Ottawa Senators");
Team teamB = new Team("Montreal Canadians");

//simulate the playing of two games
System.out.println(teamA.getName() + " just beat " + teamB.getName());
teamA.setWins(teamA.getWins() + 1);
teamB.setLosses(teamB.getLosses() + 1);
System.out.println(teamA.getName() + " just tied " + teamB.getName());
teamA.setTies(teamA.getTies() + 1);
teamB.setTies(teamB.getTies() + 1);

//Now print out some statistics
System.out.print("The " + teamA.getName() + " have ");
System.out.print(teamA.totalPoints() + " points and played ");
System.out.println(teamA.gamesPlayed() + " games.");
System.out.print("The " + teamB.getName() + " have ");
System.out.print(teamB.totalPoints() + " points and played ");
System.out.println(teamB.gamesPlayed() + " games.");

For the League class, implement the following instance methods:


Question 2: Cross Sums

Kakro, also known as cross sums, is a recent puzzle craze. You can find Kakro puzzles in a number of newspapers and on the web (See here or here for example).. These puzzles look a bit  like "math based" crossword puzzle. The numbers, that appear in the black margins, represent the sums of the digits that you will insert into the empty squares. A number above a diagonal line refers to the empty squares to the right of that number, and a number below a diagonal line refers to the squares below that number. No zeros appear in the puzzle, and no digit is repeated in a particular number. An example taken from the Dell Magazine Cross Sum page is given below.

Crosssum GridCrosssum Solution

a) Create a java class called Kakro to represent a puzzle. I should contain at least the following public methods:

Crosssum Example

b) Now comes the interesting part! Add to your Kakro class a method called solve(int location) which uses recursion to complete a Kakro puzzle. To solve the puzzle use a brute force recursive method that tries all possibilities. The key recursive routine might look something like this:

     solve(int location)
       If location == gridSize // puzzle has been solved
          return true;
          Check each integer v between 1 and 9
              if v is OK in location //meaning that row, col and no duplicates conditions are met
                 set location to v
                 return solve(nextEmptyLocation(l))
              else return false

If you are unsure of how to go about designing a recursive enumeration you might want to look over the Maze_Search program and the Sudoko program.

c) Augment your program so that it reports timing statistics. If we call a Trial testing a single integer at a single location, how many trials per second does you code make. Show the output of your timing results in your testing.

d) Will your code always find a solution? Argue why or why not.

e) Using big-oh notation describe the complexity of your method.

Be sure follow all of the code craft requirements carefully! Be sure to do sufficient testing!


Bonus: Round Robin Scheduling

Extend your League of Teams application to support Round Robin Scheduling of a competition among the teams in a league and a simulation of a completion.

You should add to your League class a method called scheduleCompetition() which creates a competition object that holds a two dimensional array of game objects where a game object holds two teams. scheduleCompetition() should first reinitialize to zero all win, loss and tie records. The schedule it creates should be a round robin schedule. See here for a description of how to create such a schedule. You can assume that there are enough fields so that all the games in a round can be played simultaneously. You may also assume that there is an even number of teams.

You should also create a simulation method called simulateCompetition() which "plays" all games in each round of the competition deciding each game using a random number generator.

Lastly, you should create appropriate toString and display methods to display the result of a competition.

Note: No late assignments will be accepted.