import java.util.Random; /** * @author Andrew Rau-Chaplin * * Partial implementation of the Set of Strings ADT * - Defines constructor, hash functions, and a simple test class * - Designed for double hashing based on a pair of universal hash functions selected at random. * - Designed for tables of size m = 2^c for c in {1..32} * See for details */ public class StringSet { int c; //log_2 of the hash table size int m; //table size int size; //the number of items in the hash table long a,b,a1,b1; //constants for universal hash functions final long p = 2236133941L; //the smallest prime number bigger than 2^32 String[] buckets; //The hashtable public StringSet(int cap) { if(cap > 32 || cap < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity not in range 2^1 ... 2^32"); c = cap; m = (int) Math.pow(2, c); size = 0; //Ideally we should be generating random values in the between 0 (or 1) and p //but p is larger than an int can hold so we will cheat a little and //make the top end of the range to be the max int (instead of p). Random rand = new Random(); a = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) + 1; a1 = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) + 1; b = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()); b1 = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()); buckets = new String[m]; } //Hash function h1 generates first probe location private long h1(int k){ return ((a*k+b) % p); } //Hash function h2 generates step size used on collisions private long h2(int k){ return ((a1*k+b1) % p) | 1; //Step size guaranteed to be odd and therefore mutually prime with m } //Example of double hashing of String s on attempt number i private int doubleHash(String s, int i){ int k = Math.abs(s.hashCode()); //Map string to a 32 bit int return (int)((h1(k) + i * h2(k)) % m); } //Test public static void main(String[] args) { StringSet s = new StringSet(10); //Create a 2^10 = 1024 bucket hashtable int probeCounts[] = new int[1024]; int probedOnce = 0; //The first 1024 places to look for happiness //probe the table 1024 times and add 1 to each probed location for (int j = 0; j<1024; j++){ probeCounts[s.doubleHash("happiness", j)]++; } //Count of locations that were probed exactly once? Should be 1024! for (int j = 0; j<1024; j++) if (probeCounts[j] == 1) probedOnce++; System.out.println("Count of locations probed once: " + probedOnce); } }