Parallel CLUSTAL W For PC Clusters.

James Cheetham, Frank Dehne, Sylvain Pitre, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Peter J. Taillon

Abstract:  This paper presents a parallel version of CLUSTAL W, called pCLUSTAL. In contrast to the commercial SGI parallel Clustal, which requires an expensive shared memory SGI multiprocessor, pCLUSTAL can be run on a range of distributed and shared memory parallel machines, from high-end parallel multiprocessors (e.g. Sunfire 6800, IBM SP2, etc.) to PC clusters, to simple networks of workstations. We have implemented pCLUSTAL using C and the MPI communication library, and tested it on a PCcluster. Our experimental evaluation shows that our pCLUSTAL code achieves similar or better speedup on a distributed memory PC clusters than the commercial SGI parallel Clustal on a shared memory SGI multiprocessor.

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