Subtractive Synthesizer Study

(GEM Lab 2024)

Research Statement

This web synthesizer is provided free of cost as a research project from the GEM Lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada with funding provided by NSERC (RGPIN-2021-03845).

We are a Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) lab and thus are very interested how you as a user interact with this synthesizer. To do this, we would like to log your interactions with the synthesizer during the duration of your visit to this site. To do this, we require your informed consent for participation. Please read the following sections carefully.

Upon completion of this research project, any publication of results will be made available on this page. Please check back regularly to see if there are any updates.


If you consent to logging, only the following data points will be collected as you adjust parameters and play music with our synthesizer.

There will be absolutely no personal identifiable information logged through this site and as such your participation in this research will remain completely anonymous. Anonymized synthesizer patches that you save will be submitted to a publicly available data repository upon the completion of this research.


You are more than welcome to interact with the synthesizer without providing consent for logging or any other obligation by clicking the appropriate button. You are permitted to cease your interactions with this site at anytime without having to provide reasons for doing so. Simply exiting the web-page will end your commitment to the research. Furthermore, you are permitted to change your logging preferences at any time, regardless of your initial selection.

For more information about our research and ethics process, please see Dalhousie University REB# 2022-6394 or contact



This synthesizer is USB MIDI compatible. For the best experience, use a MIDI keyboard. If you don't have one, use this single octave keyboard to play.
