INFX 1600/2600 Projects Winter 2007

President Dr. Thomas Trappenberg, Office Hour: Monday 4-6pm and by appointment  

Please send weekly memo-style reports (one report per group to by Monday night starting Monday Jan 29.

Dates to remember

January 10: Bidder's Conference

January 11: Special timeslot (1:30-2:30) for proposal preparation

January 18, 8pm: Proposal due (download to NCA)

  1. Faculty defines student teams, leaders and faculty advisers.
  2. Clients define the problems (RFP) (clients generally distinct from advisers)
  3. Clients give a bidders' conference (5-10 min per client, week 16)
  4. Student teams make one or more proposals, including
    1. Features of the solution
    2. Milestones
    3. User test
    4. Acceptance testing
    (Unsolicited proposals are acceptable also.)
  5. Students and clients iterate on proposals; sign agreement
  6. Weekly reports; involve Communications instructors
  7. Demo to clients 2 weeks before due date
  8. Respond to client feedback
  9. Deploy, sign off
  10. Presentation

Resources Sample proposal  
Textbook N/A  
Grading Scheme:

The evaluation will be based on feedback from the clients, the director of communications, and peer evaluation.


It is important for students to be aware of the Intellectual Honesty regulations at Dalhousie University. Please see for more information. Any suspected cases of plagiarism will be forwarded to the Senate Discipline Committee.