CSCI 6508 Neurocomputing

Fundamentals in Computational Neuroscience



Nov 1: Final presentations are now open for registration (see project presentation schedule). Also, there will be no class on November 10 and November 22.

Oct 17: The project presentation schedule is now available. Make sure your project presentation has been scheduled. Also, as promissed, here is the Kohonen style SOM program.

Oct 12: Here are my preceptron programs. Simple perceptron with sigmoid and threshold activation function, and the MLP. There is also a program for the noise evaluation after training the MLP. You need the functions to produce noisy patterns .

Also, I have a project that requires an implementation of a quite detailed model of a photoreceptor is someone is interested. This is not a network level but classical physiological neuroscience. It mainly requires the implementation of ODEs.

Oct. 6: Its time to pick a project

Oct 4: Assignment3 (auto-associative memory)

Sept 29: Assignment2 (perceptron for pattern recognition)

Sept.13: Assignment 1 (solving differnetial equations/ numerical integration)


This course introduces the principles of information-processing in the brain. We concentrate on the functionality of single neurons, networks of neurons, and large-scale neural architectures for specific cognitive functions. The course includes a review of solving basic ODE’s numerically and the use of the MATLAB programming environment.

A major part of the course includes an individual research project which requires a literature survey and the implementation of some simulations. Individual meetings are expected. The evaluation will be mainly based on the research paper. Each student must also present a critical review of a journal paper

Instructor: Dr. Thomas Trappenberg  
Office Hours: Appointment  

Thomas P. Trappenberg

Fundamental of Computational Neuroscience

Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-851583-9

Programs of the book

Grading Scheme:

100% Projects


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