Assignment 5 for Machine Learning and Robotics

1. (group) Use the tribot with the ultrasonic sensor to gather data of how far the tribot travels with different running times from 0 to 3 seconds and power 10 to 40 of the motors. Use the data to model the plant. Use this plan equation to make predicitions for the movements and evaluate the accuracy of the plant model for time 1 to 4 and pwer settings of 40 to 60.

Decribe your methods and observations on no more than 2 pages. Submit your writeup as pdf file.

2. (individual) This question is about linear regresion of the Health Data. Implement the analytical solution, a random search, and the gradient descent minimization. Plot learning curves (the difference between the analytical solution and the etimate of the other method over time) for the random search and the gradient descent. Submit your matlab program that plots the learning curves.

Submissions should be made by email to with subject line A5. Your submission has to be received before class on Thursday, Oct. 20.