Symbiotic Bid-based (SBB) GP source code

Code was developed by Peter Lichodzijewski and later extended for indirect indexing by John Doucette. Distribution is permitted for research purposes alone.

SBB Version 3 (2010): Purpose -- reinforcement learning

Relative to SBB Version 1 the following general differences appear:

Resource summary:

Version 1 (2008): Purpose -- Classification

Code is available using a regular indexing model assuming training data as an ascii text file (good for up to 64 attributes) or using indirect indexing (good for hundreds of thousands of attributes).

File size
Coevolutionary embedded model: Implementation 2.6 MB
Data sets formated for Coevolutionary mode (see UCI repository for originals): SBB formated data 27 MB
F-score SVM filter model
Basically LibSVM with modifications to the Python script to process large data files and report results in terms of CW-detection metric:
Implementation 118 KB
Data files from UCI with training/ text splits (formated for libSVM `'): F+SVM formated data 26.3 MB