J. Blustein

Teaching Materials Archive

About Software Coding (by J. Blustein)

List of Contents

List of Common Coding Mistakes
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The list of common mistakes in introductory programming course assignments is an extract of the files linked from <URL:http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~jamie/C/Mistakes/mistakes.html>. That document includes specific notes for C and Pascal, as well as some links to advice for debugging.

When I taught introductory programming classes I distributed the list of codes to students so they would know in advance of mistakes they might make, and also to help the graders. I like to think that students were less likely to make these mistakes because they were more aware, and had a handy checklist for self-evaluation. The graders' lives were certainly easier. Instead of writing use meaningful var names or (the more cryptic) meaning? on printouts they could simply write a 1 in a circle and attach the grading sheet.

Please tell me if you find these material useful, or if you have suggestions for other materials I should host here.


The Common Mistakes & Marking Codes were shown to me by someone (I don't remember who anymore) when I was a teaching assistant at UWO. I made some changes to them over time but the essential idea was not mine.

See Also


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Created on 27 January 2005 by J. Blustein.
Last updated on 27 January 2005 by J. Blustein.