% % % Strings % % % %% Macros %% @String{procof = "Proceedings of "} @String{procofthe = procof # "the "} @String{LNCS = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} %% Books (abbreviated titles) %% @String{ARIST = "{Annual Review of Information Science and Technology}"} @String{SofT = "The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Information"} @String{HTPsyP = "Hypertext: A Psychological Perspective"} @String{HTTiP = "Hypertext: Theory Into Practice"} @String{CHVT = "The {C}ambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking"} %% Publishers / Associations %% @String{asis = "{American Society for Information Science}"} @String{asist = "{American Society for Information Science and Technology}"} @String{LEA = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates"} @String{MITp = "{The MIT Press}"} %% Journals (abbreviated titles) %% @String{cacm = "Communications of the {ACM}"} @String{compsurv = "{ACM} Computer Surveys"} @String{DDJ = "{Dr. Dobbs Journal}"} @String{EP-odd = "Electronic Publishing --- Origination, Dissemination and Design"} @String{e4d = "Eye For Design"} @String{ijmms = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies"} @String{ijhcs = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies"} @string{int = "{interactions}"} @String{ipm = "Information Processing \& Management"} @String{isdn = "Computer Networks and {ISDN} Systems"} @String{jasis = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @String{jasist = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology"} @String{jdoc = "The Journal of Documentation"} @String{JEHM = "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"} @String{JoDI = "Journal of Digital Information (JoDI)"} @String{NRHM = "The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia"} @String{PNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"} @String{tochi = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction"} @String{tois = "{ACM} Transactions on Information Systems"} @String{sciam = "Scientific American"} @String{sigir = "{ACM} {SIGIR} Forum"} @String{sigois = "{ACM} {SIGOIS} Bulletin"} @String{SSR = "Scientific Studies of Reading"} @String{TCHI = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction"} %% Proceedings (abbreviated titles) %% @String{CRIWG02 = "{CRIWG} '02: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use"} @String{DL98 = "Proceedings of the Third {ACM} Conference on Digital Libraries"} @String{HT87 = "Hypertext '87 Papers"} @String{HT89 = "Hypertext '89 Proceedings"} @String{ECHT90 = "{Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications}"} @String{HT91 = "Hypertext '91 Proceedings"} @String{ECHT92 = "ACM European Conference on Hypertext '92 Proceedings"} @String{HT93 = "Hypertext '93 Proceedings"} @String{ECHT94 = "ACM European Conference on Hypertext '94 Proceedings"} @String{HT95 = "Hypertext '95 Proceedings"} @String{HT96 = "{Hypertext '96 The Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext}"} @String{HT98 = "{Hypertext '98: The Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}"} @String{HT99 = "{Hypertext '99: Returning to Our Diverse Roots The 10th {ACM} Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia}"} @String{HT2K = "{HT '00: Proceedings of teh Eleventh ACM Conference of Hypertext and Hypermedia}"} @String{HT06 = "{HYPERTEXT} '06: Proceedings of the seventeenth conference on Hypertext and hypermedia"} @String{HT07 = "{HT}\,'07: Proceedings of the 18th conference on Hypertext and hypermedia"} @String{HT2010 = "{HT}\,'10: Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia"} @String{HTSt = "{Proceedings of the Hypertext Standardization Workshop}"} @String{Info90 = "{Information 90: Proceedings of the Third International Conference}"} @String{SIGCHI86 = "{CHI '86 Proceedings}"} @String{SIGCHI88 = "{Human factors in computing systems CHI '88 conference Proceedings}"} @String{SIGCHI89 = "{CHI '89 `Wings for the Mind'}"} @String{SIGCHI90 = "{Empowering People: {CHI} '90 Conference Proceedings}"} @String{SIGCHI91 = "{Human Factors in Computing Systems Reaching Through Technology CHI~'91 Conference Proceedings}"} @String{SIGCHI97 = "Looking to the Future: Proceedings of the {CHI} 97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems"} @String{SIGCHI98 = "Making the Impossible Possible: {CHI 98} Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference Proceedings"} @String{SIGCHI2K = "{CHI} 2000 Conference Proceedings"} @String{SIGCHI05 = "{CHI} '05: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems"} @String{SIGIR81 = "{SIGIR '81}"} @String{SIGIR85 = "{SIGIR '85}"} @String{SIGIR86 = "{SIGIR '86}"} @String{SIGIR87 = "{SIGIR '87}"} @String{SIGIR90 = "{SIGIR '90}"} @String{SIGIR91 = "{SIGIR '91}"} @String{SIGIR92 = "{SIGIR '92}"} @String{SIGIR93 = "{SIGIR '93}"} @String{SIGIR94 = "{SIGIR '94}"} @String{SIGIR95 = "{SIGIR '95}"} @String{COIS88 = "{Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Office Information Systems}"} @String{COIS90 = "{Conference on OIS}"} @String{BCS-ACM3 = "{Research and Development in Information Retrieval}"} @String{TR:SA = "{Text Retrieval The State of the Art}"} @String{AIandHT = "{{AAAI-88} Workshop {AI} and Hypertext: Issues and Directions}"} @String{ASIS87 = "{ASIS '87 Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting}"} @String{ASIS88 = "{ASIS '88 Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting}"} @String{ASIS90 = "{ASIS '90 Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting}"} @String{ASIS92 = "{ASIS '92 Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting}"} @String{VLDB90 = "{Proceedings of the $16^{\rm th}$ {VLDB} Conference}"}