3120 Operating Systems
Summer 2003

Course Outline


Please note that it is not guaranteed that all announcements made in class will appear here. You are responsible for any announcements made in class.

Course notes (Powerpoint)

Notes are based on the slides that accompany the text (Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne) and those provided by Dr. Jost. Original slides that accompany text may be found here.
Please note that course notes are not guaranteed to contain all material taught in class. You are responsible for all material taught in class whether or not it appears on the course notes.

May 5 - Intro
May 7 - Overview & History
May 9 - Processes
May 12 - Process Creation
May 14 - Process Scheduling part 1
May 16 - Process Scheduling part 2
May 21 - Process Synchronization
May 23 - Critical Section Problem
May 26 - CS Problem, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores
May 28 - Semaphores
May 30 - Classic Synchronization Problems
June 2 - Reader/Writer with Semaphores
June 4 - Midterm 1
June 6 - Interprocess Communication - Unix Pipes
June 9 - Midterm 1 Solutions
June 11 - Deadlocks with Dr. Scrimger
June 13 - Deadlock Avoidance - Bankers Algorithm
June 16 - Deadlock Avoidance/Detection
June 18 - Message Passing
June 20 - Sockets
June 23 - Monitors
June 25 - Monitor Implementation
June 27 - Clarification of Monitor Implementation, Midterm discussion
June 30 - Threads
July 2 - Threads
July 4 - Midterm 2
July 7 - Midterm 2 Solutions
July 9 - Memory Management (intro & fixed partitions)
July 11 - Memory Management (dynamic partitions, paging intro)
July 14 - Memory Management (paging, TLB)
July 16 - Memory Management (multi-level paging, segmentation)
July 18 - Virtual Memory (Optimal, LRU page replacement)
July 21 - Virtual Memory (FIFO, 2nd Chance page replacement
July 23 - Virtual Memory (Cleaning Policy, Resident Set Management, Other Considerations
July 25 - File System Interface
July 28 - File System Implementation (File System Structure, Disk Allocation Methods)
July 30 - File System Implementation (Disk Allocation Methods (cont.), Free Space Management)
August 1 - Review


Group Paper

Material Covered

Chapter Sections covered from text book, updated July 14